
New Feature - Net Carbs Calculator

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The ketogenic diet has become quite popular amongst people over the last few years.

The concept basically revolves around low carb and high fat and high protein. Keto diets are commonly followed by people for weight loss, also by people who are diabetic or prediabetic.

Due to the popularity of ketogenic diets, a number of restaurants, bakeries, cafes have started serving ketogenic dishes and recipes.

While creating and consuming keto foods one typically measures “Net Carbs”.

Net Carbs = Total Carbs - Fiber - Sugar Alcohol (if applicable).

Monk Fruit extract, erythritol etc are good sugar substitutes showing sugar alcohol.

NutriCal now automatically calculates Net Carbs where applicable and shows it in a pie chart form which can be used for social media - Instagram, Facebook and ecommerce website posting.

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